
3d ultra lionel traintown gog
3d ultra lionel traintown gog

Please use this Gaming Feedback form to suggest titles for priority processing. It's not quite as impressive as some of my other first-time modding ventures, but there's some fun to be had here if this channels your nostalgia like it channelled mine.This is a partial list of titles MSU Libraries owns but has not yet processed. In the end, the sum-up was six themed levels, a modified exe icon, and the one animated graphic whose encoding wasn't so archaic I had tools that could open it. Exploring further, I found a script by Shiny Quagsire which was able to extract the game's archives, but I wasn't able to do much once Iridium77 helped me get the script working so, unfortunately, that was a no go (but thanks to the pair of them for helping out anyway). Initially, the answer was "not much" - but thanks to the godsend that is 90s game design, Train Town's level editor meant a mod was going to happen. So, as I do when cracking open the games of my childhood, I started with exploring how much modding could be done here, encouraged by Kalimando, a friend who also enjoyed the game as a kid. Playing it on and off in my infant years, I eventually lost touch with it and didn't think about the game until recently, when watching a certain climate-disaster series on Netflix reminded me there was this one train game I played decades ago.

3d ultra lionel traintown gog

Though I just about wasn't born yet when Train Town released in 1999, I still caught it as a very, very little kid, at an age where this was one of the first games I actually remember playing.

3d ultra lionel traintown gog 3d ultra lionel traintown gog

1001 Traintowns Long - A Legally Distinct Love Letter

3d ultra lionel traintown gog